

From Newtown to a new town…

Good-bye sweet Waterford, and hello Dublin!!! After a few drizzly days, the morning welcomed us with warm golden sunlight for our last day at Newtown. Sad…but everyone was so very excited for Dublin…

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Watery Day in Waterford

Good morning!! Sad news…today is our last full day in Newtown. 🙁 But, happy news…tomorrow we head off to Dublin!!!! Today was another class day, and also the day when the kids gave their presentations on Irish-Americans…

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You Kin-SAY-le that was a good day!

In the Cork School of Art, a student in 1832 once stated that “we are indebted for the weaving of that spell which once brought up before our eyes the brightest forms of antiquity for inspiration…”

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Let’s Indepen-Dance The Day Away!

Happy 4th of July, everyone!!! Today we celebrated our independence, even though we’re on The Emerald Isle. We are going to not one, not two, but THREE castles today! Talk about amazing…

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Tire-some, but a wheelie fun day!

We went to a bridge that was bombed while a train was going over it, a moss and fern covered tunnel full of fairy doors, the old train station, and a little cottage overlooking the ocean…

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Classes and Céilís

This morning, we were greeted by yet another beautiful dawning of the day–the sky is cloudy yet bright, the wind crisp, the robins and chaffinches still calling out their morning tunes, twittering away in their respective shrubs…

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Glendalough-Group Jumping

Home in Ireland!!!

With baited breaths, curious hearts, and several overweight suitcases, this wonderful band of people took their first steps into the adventure of a lifetime…

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Giant's Causeway-Natalie 2022

Meet Natalie Helser

I went on the Irish Life Experience in 2022, and it truly changed my life-so I really could not be more enthralled to be returning…

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Trip Dates: June 30-July 24, 2024