

Riverdance Group Pic--2024

Dancing the Night Away

It was time to get ready for…RIVERDANCE! Though it’s an optional event, most signed up for it. We had a quick tea of chicken sandwiches, then, everyone looking all spiffy and fancy, headed off…

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EPIC Sign--2024

An Epic Day

Today we had a fantastic tour-filled day! After a breakfast of Belgian waffles, we headed into Dublin with Neil, the most normal bus driver we’ve ever had. Our first stop was Croke Park…

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Guinness Winners Group--2024

Guinness What?

Goooooood Morning! Greetings from the Emerald Isle…and our weather sure has been quite emerald-y too. We’ve been blessed with perfect gray skies and green fields, with the occasional cool breeze or drizzly storm. Perfect Irish weather…

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A Giant Cause for a Great Day

Our drive to Northern Ireland slowly shifted from the bustling hub of Dublin to rural green countryside, and tri-color flags slowly faded to Union Jacks as we drove into Northern Ireland…

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Brogan, Alex, Darcy, and Mary--tin whistle workshop 2024

No Treble Whistlin’ Today!

Greetings from Dublin!! Everyone seemed to sleep soundly through the night…and breakfast was a busy affair, as we share King’s Hos with several hundred international kids…some have even made friends with our group…

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Treetop Walk--2024

A Tree-mendous Day

Good morning to all! Students had a bit of a lie-in today, as breakfast appearance wasn’t mandatory. Today we leave Newtown for King’s Hospital in Dublin, and there are some heavy hearts around here…

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Celtic Keychains Workshop--2024

Today was “so-da” bomb

Today was a super chill day, which was well needed after our tiring tour day yesterday. The morning was spent in breakfast and classes, followed by a lovely colorful dinner…

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Group Pic, Cahir, 2024

A Reign-y Day

Happy Fourth of July!!!! It’s not everyday that you get to celebrate America in a different country…and what a better way to kick it off than visiting a bunch of castles…

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Waterford, 2024

Crystal Clear we love the ILE

Today, we headed off to our first tour–House of Waterford Crystal! This was incredible to see–there’s several steps to the process of making Waterford Crystal…

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Natalie, Liam, Kaylee, Olivia, and Parker, Thomas Meagher Statue--2024

New Things in Newtown

Ar maidin mhaith!! Good morning!! So dawns another lovely day in the lovely Ireland…the students were greeted with the soft gray light and dewy grass as they trodded on down to breakfast…

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Dream, Discover, and Travel

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Trip Dates: June 30-July 24, 2024