The End of the Line

Day Twenty-Four/Airport Day (July 22nd): As it was our final airport day, we had another early day. I am happy and proud to report that the students left their apartments in near perfect condition, which was certainly an improvement over some past years. We rolled our luggage cases out bleary-eyed. Everyone said goodbye to Paige […]

Wrapping Up

Day Twenty-Three (July 21st): Here it is. The last full day of the ILE. This is one of the hardest days for everyone. It means packing suitcases and praying they aren’t weighted down by too many souvenirs, cleaning apartments and more importantly starting to say a few goodbyes. Today serves as the final free day […]

Here We Go Again!

Day Twenty-Two (July 20th): The end is nigh. Time creeps closer. Our staff tries very hard to keep the fact that the trip is nearing end from the forefront of our students’ minds — and the best way to do that is to keep them busy! We had yet another early start today and a […]

On Our Turf

Day Twenty-One (July 19th): Despite the lack of sun, the day began temperate and continued that way. The sky was washed with grey clouds but instead of dulling the natural beauty of Connemara, it enhanced it. This is the place where sky meets water and earth in the most spectacular of ways. We hit the […]

Gimme Moher

Day Twenty (July 18th): Our meandering travels took us all across County Clare today. To make sure we had sufficient time everywhere we went, it was a bit of an early start. The day began with a bit of a solemn start as we went to Corcomroe Abbey on the Burren. Corcomroe is a 13th […]

Castles, Counselors and Other Antiques

Day Nineteen (July 17th): The morning of our move to Galway has dawned. Students combatted the chaos of packing with hearty breakfasts of toast and cereal, and packed their lunches before cleaning up their apartments. On top of doing their own shopping, cooking and budgeting our students are responsible for keeping their apartments nice and […]

Weekend at Murphy’s

Day Eighteen (July 16th): There are few things as epic as the ILE 18 — and the Star Wars saga might be one of them. Today in our travels we passed by several filming locations for the most recent installation of The Last Jedi! I think Brian and the staff were more excited by this […]

The Ring

Day Seventeen (July 15th): The day began a bit on the grey side and while the clouds lingered and a few desperately needed raindrops fell, the day was mostly clear. We got started in the small town of Kenmare. Now, Kenmare is a very special place to the ILE staff. Not only is it a […]

That’s All Blarney

Day Sixteen (July 14th): We bid a very fond farewell to Dublin. King’s Hospital was home for a short period of time: full of fun, discos and vending machines. Starting in Killarney, the students begin to experience what we fondly call “vacation” which means no more classes, slightly later wake-up times and a relaxed schedule. […]

Forever Hold Your Pearse

Day Fifteen (July 13th): Our day felt like a perfect and exact transition from the last. We ventured out from King’s Hospital to begin our day at the General Post Office or GPO. This iconic building has a central vantage point of the city and was therefore the chosen headquarters for the 1916 Uprising, where […]

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Trip Dates: June 29-July 23, 2025