Three years ago, the world lost a beautiful soul. Our dear friend, Ann Hennessey, of Morristown, New Jersey, passed away on March 30th, 2011 after battling a brief illness.

Ann was a devoted wife, a loving grandmother and mother, and a cherished friend. She had many talents. She was a dedicated educator, a devout volunteer, and a successful business woman. She was a breath of fresh air and simply a joy to be around. She always greeted you with open arms and a welcoming smile. She was truly an inspiration to many. She constantly gave her life to others, without expecting anything in return. The lives she touched and the impact she made is profound. She was truly selfless.

Ann never strayed too far from home. She enjoyed cultivating her treasured garden. She was a nurturer and her garden was her labor of love. When she wasn’t tending to her flowers, she embraced spending time with her family-which was her true adoration. She loved sharing stories of her recent travels to visit her children and showing pictures of her grandchildren. Her eyes would magically sparkle when she talked about them. Her family was her life.

Ann’s warm and gracious spirit will be missed and the world won’t be quite as bright without her glowing radiance. Ann left footprints on the hearts of all she came in contact with, and their lives will never be the same.

Ann was very passionate about Irish culture, as her mother hailed from Co. Carlow, Ireland. Being Irish and the incredible teacher that she was, we thought it only be appropriate to honor Ann with a Memorial Fund for the Irish Life Experience. All of the money raised will go directly to a student/s who would otherwise not have the means to attend this amazing program.

We will never forget you Ann! Please help us pay tribute to this remarkable woman!

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be ever at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And the rain fall softly on your fields.
And until we meet again, May God hold
you in the hollow of his hand.

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Trip Dates: June 29-July 23, 2025