Kylene Berna will be joining the Irish Life Experience Team for 2022 as a Junior Counselor.
Kylene is from Georgetown, Delaware, and is currently studying at La Roche University in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. She is a motivated student working toward a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Interior Design and Architecture.
Kylene loves anything involving art. She spends her time with friends and family, watching movies, and listening to music.
She has a strong passion for traveling and has been to several different countries including Austria, Ecuador, Galapagos Islands, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, and Switzerland.
Kylene is a 2019 Irish Life Experience Alumna and Ambassador. She is very thankful and excited to continue her journey with the ILE as a Junior Counselor for 2022. She loves traveling to Ireland and believes it holds a special place in her heart. Taking this journey to a foreign country and getting to observe and study the culture fascinates Kylene. Kylene says, “Ireland makes me happy and one day I hope to live there!”
She is truly looking forward to meeting all of the 2022 ILE’ers.